Monday, March 2, 2009

Ginseng and the Achoo!

It is amazing that there is no still no cure for the common cold. In fact, it’s become somewhat of a medical joke because of the extensive research leading to cures for many kinds of cancers and other serious diseases. Yet people sneeze and cough their way through the winter months.

A study completed in 2005 and published in the ‘Canadian Medical Association Journal’ revealed that the herb ginseng may not be a cure, but it can treat the symptoms of colds by enhancing the immune system. The study also indicated that ginseng may actually prevent the number of occurrences of the pesty cold.

So the next best thing to a cure for the common cold is a reduction in the number of colds or the severity of colds once they are underway. Either way, you come out way ahead by using ginseng.

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